The SHLAA was a technical exercise in gathering information about possible development site choices. The SHLAA took into account over-arching considerations such as flooding concerns or achieving acceptable highway access; but it did not make a rounded planning judgement as to whether a site should be developed. The SHLAA formed a database of possible site choices we could choose to draw from when proposing sites to allocate for development. The SHLAA has been superseded by the EDDC Local Plan and is now considered defunct and carries no legal weight in planning terms.
Planning Applications – The Parish Council as a consultee is advised by EDDC of any new applications relating to Offwell Parish and has an opportunity to consider the application and reply to EDDC with any comments that the Parish Council may resolve to make.
The Parish Council consider applications at the Council meetings which are publicised beforehand with the agenda on this website and on the Parish Council noticeboard.
Any parishioners or residents wishing to make representations to their elected Parish Councillors about planning matters or planning applications are respectfully asked to attend the next scheduled meeting of the Council where an opportunity to speak / discuss such matters will be provided before the meeting during the open session.
We as a Council will obviously need to assess and respond to any planning application we receive (and potentially any subsequent appeal) in accordance with the adopted EDDC Local Plan.
Parishioners are advised to either email or write directly to EDDC Planning if they wish to make a formal objection or comment on any particular application. EDDC will then log it on the application file for it be considered.
Parishioners and residents are able to view planning applications and the documents and plans by visiting the EDDC website.
Planning Applications – The Parish Council as a consultee is advised by EDDC of any new applications relating to Offwell Parish and has an opportunity to consider the application and reply to EDDC with any comments that the Parish Council may resolve to make.
The Parish Council consider applications at the Council meetings which are publicised beforehand with the agenda on this website and on the Parish Council noticeboard.
Any parishioners or residents wishing to make representations to their elected Parish Councillors about planning matters or planning applications are respectfully asked to attend the next scheduled meeting of the Council where an opportunity to speak / discuss such matters will be provided before the meeting during the open session.
We as a Council will obviously need to assess and respond to any planning application we receive (and potentially any subsequent appeal) in accordance with the adopted EDDC Local Plan.
Parishioners are advised to either email or write directly to EDDC Planning if they wish to make a formal objection or comment on any particular application. EDDC will then log it on the application file for it be considered.
Parishioners and residents are able to view planning applications and the documents and plans by visiting the EDDC website.